HKSilicon (Trad. Chinese) –01 Mar
Apple iOS apps leak more personal info than Android 恐怖!iOS比Android App泄露更多隱私 一般人可能不知道App Store里免費的iPhone、iPad App比Google Play里的免費App帶有更大的隱私威脅。 為什麼App Store會泄露數據? 據Appthority各個商店取樣5個目錄,再取每個目錄下的Top 10 銷售App,60%的iOS App會跟廣告商和第三方分析網絡分享數據,50% 的Android App會同樣地分享數據。 其中60%的iOS App會收集用戶地理數據,54%的App會收集用戶聯繫人列表,14%的App會抽取你的日程表信息。相對Android來說,數據分別是42%、20% 以及0%。雖然數據也不是那麼樂觀,但對比iOS還是要讓用戶安心一些。 而對於未加密數據,幾乎100%的iOS App會發送未加密數據給廣告方,92%的Android App也會如此。Appthority表示很多廣告網絡商願意向蘋果設備用戶數據付費,這樣就刺激了開發者更大力度地收集信息,久而久之,做iOS App的越來越多,開發者就得更努力地獲得用戶隱私。 免費App或者99美分的價格無法幫開發者盈利,所以他們就向廣告網絡出賣用戶隱私,分享得越多,廣告網絡支付的費用也越多。 不同類型App泄露狀況 Appthority測試過商務、教育、娛樂、遊戲以及財政App,發現娛樂App在保護用戶隱私方面做得最差,分享地理數據和用戶隱私最多。相對地,教育和財政App在隱私泄露方面稍好。 此次調查的iOS App平台包括Apple, Intuit, Kids Games Club , PayPal;Android方面包括Imangi Studios, Intuit, PayPal 以及Intellijoy。Appthority表示去年的調查結果也顯示iOS App比Android收集了更多地數據。 趨勢 Appthority聯合創始人Guerra表示,由於最近政府也在打擊網絡隱私濫用,社交網絡Path也因為未經父母同意收集兒童住址信息被聯邦貿易委員會處以80萬美元的罰金。所以即使是最大眾的App都不可信。 如果你非常需要某個App,可以選擇付費,因為你的隱私數據比那99美分或者出賣費用值錢多了,開發者自然沒必要出賣你的隱私。 Sina News HK –digital section (Trad. Chinese) –01 Mar
Nielsen: Smartphone penetration in China higher than UK and US 尼爾森:中國智能手機普及率已超越英美 尼爾森調查顯示,中國智能手機普及率已超越英美 新浪科技訊香港時間3月1日消息,美國市場研究公司尼爾森發佈的《2013流動消費者報告》顯示,中國的智能手機普及率已經超越美國和英國,但居於韓國之後。另一方面,雖然智能手機在英美等國家熱銷,但功能手機仍在印度和俄羅斯等國占據主導地位。 根據尼爾森的報告,智能手機在各國手機用戶中的普及率如下:美國53%、英國51%、韓國67%、中國66%,但印度只有10%、土耳其19%、巴西36%、俄羅斯37%。 尼爾森發現,智能手機用戶已經在美國、英國、韓國、中國等地成為主流,變成多數手機用戶的選擇。但在其他國家,智能手機所需的網絡仍然局限於大城市,因此標準的功能手機仍是印度、巴西、俄羅斯等國消費者的首選產品。然而,這一趨勢已經逐漸開始發生變化。 總體而言,年輕手機用戶更青睞智能手機。因此在這些用戶的推動下,越來越多的國家將逐步擴建智能手機網絡。 尼爾森還發現,各國的智能手機套餐存在差異。在智能手機普及率較高的國家,用戶更傾向於選擇固定資費的數據套餐;而在智能手機普及率較低的國家,用戶更青睞按照實際使用量支付費用,或是直接使用WiFi上網。 很多用戶甚至擁有不止一部手機,有的是一部用於工作,另一部用於個人生活。俄羅斯有51%的受訪者表示,他們擁有一部以上的手機,美國的這一比例僅為17%。 從智能手機使用情況來看,短信、網絡瀏覽、社交網絡在多數國家都是最熱門的活動。在主要國家中,遊戲、社交網絡、導航則是最熱門的流動應用。 尼爾森的報告對美國、英國、澳大利亞、巴西、中國、印度、意大利、俄羅斯、韓國和土耳其等國的用戶行為和設備偏好進行了分析,數據取自2012年4月至6月,受訪者為7.6204萬,其中有5.4585萬人能夠確認自己的手機類型。整體來看,有2.8103萬人擁有智能手機,2.6482萬人擁有非智能手機。(書聿) China Daily Hong Kong Edition –02 Mar
More policies to support cross-border use of renminbi China is likely to issue more supportive measures to encourage cross-border use of the yuan amid growing global demand for the currency, said an industry insider. Such measures include a larger quota for renminbi qualified foreign institutional investors, fewer restrictions under the capital account, and more freedom for global yuan investments by individuals, said Cheng Jun, general manager of the Corporate Banking Unit of Bank of China. “We are still not sure of the timetable and details of such policies, but we think this will be the next step taken by the central bank,” said Cheng. Cheng’s estimates were based on the strong growth momentum of international use of the yuan. In 2012, cross-border settlement in yuan rose 41.4 percent year-on-year, to 2.94 trillion yuan ($472 billion) according to the People’s Bank of China, the central bank. “Demand for the Chinese currency is robust,” Cheng said, adding that BOC’s RMB business will continue to focus on the Asia-Pacific region. South China Morning Post –04 Mar
Stelux in sight of China turnaround on Boyu vision Stelux Holdings, a Hong Kong-based retailer of mid-priced spectacles and watches, said its co-operation with the private equity firm Boyu Capital creates operating synergies that will help it to turn around its China business within three years, aided by online sales and relocation to second-tier cities. Joseph Wong, chairman and chief executive of Stelux, which operates the Optical 88 and City Chain stores, said: “Boyu Capital offers industry expertise and seasoned managers in the competitive middle-class industry on the mainland, creating more synergies than its investment in our company.” Boyu Capital, a private equity firm specialising in China investment founded by former Ping An president Louis Cheung and Mary Ma, invested in the retailer through a subscription for HK$371 million of convertible bonds in November. Stelux appointed Ma, a former chief financial officer at Lenovo and executive at US-based Texas Pacific Group, and Boyu’s Alex Wongas non-executive directors responsible for its expansion plan on the mainland. Joseph Wong said he believed that Ma and Alex Wong would control costs with the aim of breaking even in the financial year 2015. Joseph Wong, 52, who took the helm at Stelux in October 2011, said the two parties had been in private discussion since April last year and subsequently appointed an external consulting firm to lay out new strategy in China, where it will roll out an online shopping site in September this year, and shift its retail network into second-tier cities. Retail in Asia –04 Mar
GSMA survey identifies 30m active mobile money customers in 2012 The number of active mobile money users globally grew impressively in 2012, with more than 30 million people undertaking 224.2 million transactions totaling $4.6 billion during the month of June 2012 alone. GSMA’s Mobile Money for the Unbanked (MMU) program, which released the figures in a recent report, said the industry is also becoming increasingly competitive, with 40 markets identified as having at least two different mobile money services available. In 2012, about 41 live mobile money services were launched. “The social impact of mobile money is already well documented, and our report last year offered the first global benchmarks on how many customers were using mobile money,” said Chris Locke, Managing Director, GSMA Mobile for Development. “Following our second Mobile Money Adoption Survey, we are able to share deeper insights on the number of customers, on how customers are actually using the service and, perhaps more importantly, on how successfuloperators are positioning and managing mobile money to meet the needs of those customers.” The GSMA report counted 81.8 million registered customers globally and with the total number of deployments on a global basis growing by almost 38 percent. Interestingly, it showed that there are now more mobile money accounts than bank accounts in Kenya, Madagascar, Tanzania and Uganda, and more mobile money agent outlets than bank branches in at least 28 countries. In some countries, the total value of mobile money transactions is equivalent to a significant proportion of the country’s overall GDP. In June 2012, it was equivalent to more than 60 percent of GDP in Kenya, more than 30 percent of GDP in Tanzania, and more than 20 percent of GDP in Uganda. Retail in Asia –04 Mar Expert Opinion: Critical technology insights for today’s retail environment IT Tech Now –02 Mar
Samsung Wallet similar to Passbook? Samsung 也正投入iOS「Passbook」般的電子票券功能? 根據気になる、記になる… 網站轉述9 to 5 Mac 消息,稍早Samsung 發表的「Samsung Wallet」功能,由於被認為與Apple iOS 作業系統「Passbook」相像,因而成為新聞話題。 發表當時的影片實況如下,大致上介面近似「Passbook」概念,功能上亦能提供活動、會員、優惠、交通工具搭乘等票券的管理,不過這項功能是否會正式釋出,現階段則尚不明朗。 Engadget (Trad. Chinese) –02 Mar
Samsung NFC mobile payment at vending machines Samsung NFC 手機付款自動販賣機中文動手買 來到2013 年,香港將慢慢的進入NFC 流動支付時代。隨著PCCW 宣佈今年與恒生銀行合作推出MasterCard PayPass 付款服務,我們可以想像未來只要拿起手機就可以付款了。這次在西班牙這邊,Samsung 也展示相關的技術,我們可以看到一台自動販賣機配備了支援NFC 付款的裝置,其支援Visa PayWave 及MasterCard PayPass。我們只要拿起已進行銀行聯網的NFC 手機,在黃色的裝置上觸控便可以進行付款,並通過螢幕看到付款的狀態。這個功能即使在螢幕關閉的狀態下(手機是要開機的啦!)也可以做到,不別開啓特別的Apps,也算是一個方便的做法。跳轉看我們的動手買影片,你會更直接明瞭一點。 Tech Ritual –04 Mar
PayPal: Let the numbers tell our story PAYPAL –以數字說故事PayPal –以數字總結2012 PAYPAL –以數字說故事 PayPal –以數字總結2012 PayPal 於2012年處理了達1,450億美元的總消費額–同比增長達22%。 我們擁有約1.23億個活躍用戶。 我們於2012年10月至12月假期旺季期間處理了6.92億美元的交易–平均每分鐘處理5,223宗付款。 於2013年我們預計會處理達200億美元的流動交易。 連接世界:跨境貿易推動增長 PayPal 過去12個月的總交易額主要來自跨境貿易,因香港商家將價廉物美的產品源源不絕地出口至世界各地,滿足全球買家的需求。 五大跨境貿易消費類別: 1 電子及電訊產品 2 玩具及消閒用品 3 服飾及鞋履 4 電腦及其配件與服務 5 其他服務 |
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